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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Gail Raghunathan

Visit to the US in August 2022

This month was very exciting for us all. Sara Gail started at a new school and we all went on a trip back to the US.

Sara Gail’s New School

Since Sara Gail finished the equivalent of kindergarten at the girls’ Montessori school, Varun and I felt that it was time to move her to a bigger school for First Grade. Varun’s contract for our stint in Ghana ends in 2024, so we didn’t want to keep her in the same school for just one more year, then this new school for Second Grade for just one year, and then move to our next location. Both Sara Gail and I were sad to see her leave Little Explorers, it has been like her second home for the past three years, but it will be a good experience for her to move into a bigger environment and meet new friends. This month her new school, Lincoln Community School, hosted an orientation for new parents and children starting this term, so the whole family went along. Sara Gail was very nervous when it was time for the kids to go with their new teachers and see their new classrooms without the parents. But when we did finally meet up with her afterwards, she couldn’t wait to start school! She loved all her teachers and recognized some familiar faces both from Little Explorers and the summer camp she had attended at the school. Varun and I certainly felt more confident about her attending after seeing the facilities again and hearing from the teachers and staff. The only one of us who didn’t leave excited that day was Abigail, she is going to sorely miss her big sister being in the same school with her.

Fortunately for Sara Gail she didn’t have to wait long to go start at her new big girl school. This particular school starts early on in August, so I thought it’d be a great opportunity for her to get used to her new routine before we left for our trip to the US. It was going to be a very big change for her; not just a new school, environment, teachers, and classmates, but she is also taking a big kid bus to and from school every day. When we first told her about the bus, she was nervous, then got excited, and then the night before she was very, very nervous. However, she was excited to be starting school.

For the first time since we moved here, Varun was actually home for her first day of school. So, we all went to the bus stop as a family. Sara Gail anxiously waited for the bus to arrive, but once it got here, and she discovered that one of her friends and neighbors would be taking the bus with her, she gladly hopped on hand-in-hand with her friend.

When she got home from school that first day, she was so happy! She had loved going to school on the bus like the big grown-up girl that she is, and taking the bus home. Even though she did miss her sister and her classmates from Little Explorers she quickly settled in well with her fellow classmates and new teachers. In no time at all the morning walk to the bus became a very exciting time for her, and even for Abigail. Every morning she would hop on her bike or scooter and ride to the “bus stop,” and Abigail would also ride her scooter to see her sister off to school.

While Sara Gail was away at school, Abigail was able to find ways to play independently, but she also missed Sara Gail a lot. Since it’s a bit easier to manage just one of them at a time, I decided to bring Abigail along to the shops a few times. She loves being my little helper in the shops bringing along her own shopping cart and putting the groceries up on the counter.

Fortunately she wouldn’t have long to wait until we’d all be together as a family for a long stretch.


Before we were ready for our trip, I wanted to quickly finish a few sewing projects to bring along with us. Since we had some occasions coming up to get all dressed up, I thought it would be a good chance to finally make the girls their dresses with the fabric that we had gotten in India. And, of course, no matching sister dress outfit would be complete without matching dresses for their dolls too!

I was also sure to keep making progress on the girls' Halloween costumes, because I knew October would sneak up on us once we got back. Plus, I would finally have access to the materials I needed for Sara Gail’s Mal dress. But first, I finished a key piece of Abigail’s Raya Costume: her cape!

I am having way too much fun making their costumes every year!!

At Home in Accra

We did have some downtime at home before our trip, and we spent it casually at home with lots of time at the pool with some new neighbors! Even though the girls had never met their new neighbors before, there was an instant connect made between all four of them! As soon as her new friend arrived in our neighborhood, Sara Gail took the liberty of walking her around the neighborhood and giving her a tour of her new house. It was wonderful to see the girls being so welcoming to new friends, and I can only hope that it helped the new family feel comfortable in their new home.

We also tried to start a new family tradition, though I know it will be difficult to maintain with Varun’s travel schedule. We decided to try and have a family brunch every Sunday, which was very reminiscent of my own family’s tradition. When I was growing up, we had the works every Sunday morning: fruit salad, hashbrowns, bacon, sausage, toast, and scrambled eggs. Here in Accra, we reflected this as best as we could, also adding in some pancakes and waffles because Sara Gail absolutely loves pancakes. It was a delicious spread and we only hope to keep the tradition alive as often as we can with our hectic family schedule and Varun’s work needs for traveling.

Trip Back to the US

Before we knew it, the month of August was coming quickly to a close, which meant it was time for the Raghunathan’s to take to the air yet again and travel back to the US for a trip. The main reason that we were traveling back was to attend my brother’s wedding. And a top priority of mine was to get the girls as vaccinated as possible during our three weeks in country. Since Sara Gail is old enough, she was able to get both doses during our three-week visit, but Abigail would only be able to squeeze the first dose in. We also had a few of our own family trips planned for our visit, but those photos and details will be shared in next week’s post!

First and foremost, we needed to get packed, get to the airport, and on our plane.

This time we flew into JFK and then from there on to Portland, Maine. We had a fairly long layover in JFK, but the girls made use of the time with their “art books,” and the coloring sheets I had packed for them. Sara Gail took this opportunity to practice her photography skills again, too.

And before we knew it, we were off on the plane again, on our way to see Grammie and Uncle Jer!

After a few flights, a long car ride through the beautiful foliage of mountainous northern Maine and New Hampshire, we finally arrived at our destination: my mother’s house which is settled among the cozy peaks of the White Mountains. I always love coming home to this secluded little alcove up in northern New Hampshire. I adore everything about the area, the house, the yard, the town – absolutely everything. The girls love coming to visit their Grammie and Uncle Jer and getting to explore new things. And Varun loves the seclusion and lack of cell phone service, that helps alleviate the constant stream of nagging work calls.

Even though I lived in this cozy home all my life, my mom keeps adding beautiful little improvements all the time. This year my favorite addition was a signpost which helps keep her family close at heart. She actually looked up the distances and directions to all the places that her kids, family, friends, and loved ones call home. Of course, Accra, Ghana had a central location on this signpost!

All in all, it was good to be back for a visit!

Story Land

Now that the girls have gotten through their toddler years, a must stop during every visit to Grammie’s house is Story Land! It’s such a fun time for all of us, and I enjoy the experience through the lens of my inner child as well as remembering my teenage summers working as a cast member in the park. I just don’t have the words to describe how much it means to me to share this beautiful park and all my fond memories with my husband and two young daughters. Plus, my mother and brother have a fun time reminiscing too, although my brother teases me when I act like I own the place each visit.

It truly is a gem tucked into the White Mountains and a place we will continue to visit for years to come.

Town & Country Inn

Another place I got to take the girls this year was a local hotel named the Town & Country Inn. I had been there many times myself growing up; every time my grandparents would visit, they would stay a few nights at the hotel so that my brothers and I could spend some time at the pool. It also has a fabulous restaurant and hosts many special occasions, including my high school’s annual Winter Semi-Formal Dance.

The reason for my visit with the girls was the pool. I have so many fond memories swimming and playing in this hotel’s pool, and I wanted to share that experience with the girls. Plus, they had never really used an indoor pool before. Since it’s so hot all year long in Ghana, every pool they have been to is outside. Just the mere idea of an indoor pool seemed to boggle their little minds! Even though they were a little unsure at first, they warmed up to it and had fun in the water, like the little water babies they are!

Well, this visit to the fun, indoor pool was the end of our month of August 2022. September started on the road again for the Raghunathan’s, but more details on all our September adventures next week. I hope you come back to continue this journey with us in Accra and beyond!

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